Thursday 26 April 2007


Private Dream:

A private dream indeed, unfortunately, as I so much would have liked to have shared,
This quest for sporting and public success, alas only in my head.
So many times I have lived the glory of heroic endeavour, only to awake in grey reality,
To mourn the loss and broken heart, of destiny denied.
Standing on the chasm’s edge of oblivion, confused and battered,
In youthful innocence, unable to comprehend this dark and retrograde scenario.
Watching the striker vacuum, denied a decade of national success,
My position deprived, to the detriment of all, for what in the name of who.
Necessity instigating my inventive search, for reason and understanding,
Educating me in the university, of life’s perspective and multi dimensional reality.
To empower my future progress, without karmic limitations or restrictions,
To an arena of light ascended, aloft from the coliseum of competitive aggression.

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