Sunday 1 April 2007


Best of USA:

Is what, hamburgers and fast food, coco cola and skyscrapers,
Grid Iron football, basketball, baseball and the dollar.
I like the football, but for me the quintessence of true American culture,
Is black music, in all its’ multifarious forms and various guises throughout history.
The essence of highest culture, being germinated out of necessity,
Pain and anguish, that inculcates the deepest emotive expression,
As manifested in the greatest art, throughout the world’s cultures.
So although the American Constitution, is the pinnacle of evolving democracy,
From Classical Greece, through Rome, the French Revolution and Parliament.
The greatest thing, without question or competition, is ‘Black Music,’
Blues, jazz, soul, Motown, rhythm and blues, progressive rock.
The genius of a Diaspora race, repressed and denied all freedom, plus expression and hence evolution.
Left only the option of musical expression, their collective genius blossomed,
Beyond all the confines of dark repression and persecution, to sing to the world
In the sweetest harmonies, of true rhythm and expressive genius.
Evolving music, artistry and art forward, beyond the materialistic restraints
Now imposed, by Corporate American philosophical expansionism.
The dark side of this ‘American Dream’ coin, that consumes indigenous cultures,
To spit them out in peaked capped, burger waist lined doppelgangers.
Baseball bat swinging, the full nine yards to consumer heaven,
In new economic slavery, that allows freedom to work and earn the dollar,
To acquire the products, to display our sociological pecking order success.
In the name of individualism, at the expense of everyone, in inconsideration

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