Tuesday 24 April 2007


Is This Maybe:

Through the window, many times each day, I see you,
Busy, energetic, bubbling in active daily motherhood.
To and froing, smiling, teasing playfully in kindergarten afternoons,
When after one year, while in macho duet banter chorus, a jerking greeting from above,
And an early chilly morning delightful chat, that would sprout forth thoughts,
Of maybes, should I , would she; could I, I don’t know, well maybe.
Surreal this window shopping peephole, so familiar but so far,
This petit pretty princess, through the window I am forever looking,
But can not touch, only view the silent mime across the chasm.
Is this the fading buck’s winter isolation, that I am glimpsing,
Or my fears surfacing to be revealed, an obstacle to be removed,
For true and lasting happiness, to be finally achieved.
Youth’s vigour and arrogance eases, as winter alp like, early autumnal peak grey,
Indicates an imminent dampening, of the inner furnace of life.
But my fitness and health, is as vigorously fresh as ever, and more.
Very strange to have to learn the correct courtship ritual, that before I never saw.
Relativity dictates that, to be partnered with the most beautiful,
Is to put all other flowers in the shade, whose beauty is only recently,
Beginning to be appreciated, when now possibly out of reach.
And so the riddle is, whether tis fear or common sense to be aware,
Of the possibility to be the old fool, chasing the unattainable.
Or is this a manifestation, of my fear of rejection, to be removed.

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