Thursday 26 April 2007



To be a light on the path, or the grim reaper of duality.
The joy of an opening rose, obliging the early morning rising sun,
Amidst the dawn chorus; or the sardonic bearer of third dimensional reality,
With it’s dog eat dog materialistic, egocentrically arrogant philosophy.
The accountant who closes hospitals and schools, for the benefit of the country.
Or the black clad priest, whose dark divisive innuendos,
Spread fear and superstition, in the name of love, Christ & God,
For the exclusive benefit of the church, it’s politicians and henchmen.
Take the pedantic sophist philosopher, whose rhetoric bends like a tree, to his swirling will,
But whose actions below the neck, give no cause for snobbish superiority.
Or our Christian fundamentalist, democratic shareholders in corporations of death,
Who moralise to set the standards, from their ivory towers for us all.
Whose society breeds hippocratic sworn doctors, who refuse medicare without cover.
While politicians who straight faced, encourage the proliferation of guns,
Poisoned unsafe food and practices, individualistic self determined behaviour and motivations.
Despite, or in spite of, any other concern other than personal freedom,
Which in the American dream factory, means of course money.
So be the heart and soul of the party, or the kill joy whose dark sparkle, shrivels any flower.
The choice, as always, is yours.

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