Sunday 1 April 2007


Red Mars:

War, that fiend and all consuming monster,
That bleeder of people, bloodletter of nations youth.
Devouring, screaming, wasting, scorching,
The fire of souls, stone reaper of men.
That genesis of widows and orphans dark shadows,
Pride of the aged, tired infirms’ envy.
Young waifs pageant, the glory of youth,
Cherry maidens blush, young womens’ romance.
Wedded wife’s passion, weary mother’s dread,
A bosom brother’s loss and greying father’s agony.
The gazing son’s wonder, a little cousin’s memory,
A grandfather’s pride and distant grandson’s echo.
The portly capitalist’s dream, a rigid soldiers duty,
A merchant seaman’s peril and fighter pilot’s roll.
The doddering diplomat’s blunder, an opportunist political chance,
A festive royal Gala, the polished scepter radiant.
The avenging angel’s wrath, by sanctimonious priesthood,
Evangelising curates, the saviour’s of pagans,
Procurers of gold and incinerators of men.
A furtive criminal’s license, a ragged beggars bowl,
A rascists fueled passion and rabid patriots banner.
The mediocre man’s awakening,
The dumb peacock’s death-nell,
A humble wren’s compassion.
It’s Horatio’s time, for Klingsor’s here again,
The heroism of comrades, in the rape of the land.
Unspeakable horrors by beast upon man,
Collective insanity, driven by lust.
In all names of all things, strewn in garlands of flowers,
Of all hues, masks not.

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