Tuesday 24 April 2007


Venus Flytrap:

Venus flytrap, a pretty face without a heart, a femme fatale in the making.
Phew, that was close, another relationship based on sex alone,
That would later reveal, a conflict between love and lust
Of self centred behavioural demands, initiated by animal magnetism,
Individualistic sexual desires, in contradistinction to mutual loving symbiosis.
So this was my release and escape, or lost opportunity, to inculcate true love
As a new experience, opening the budding Mother Goddess heart,
By precipitating respect and adoration, for true and nobly chivalrous behaviour.
Thereby taking the reins, in subtle control and loving appreciation,
Without authoritarian stricture, but all with mutual respect, understanding and love.
Of course the choice is mine, but what choices when and then, I turn the corner,
So beautiful in full splendour, waiting for me with such eager glee, is she.

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