Thursday 18 January 2007


Miriam Salena

Miriam Salena, a distant angel on the net,
An angel of mercy, fulfilling her destiny on the path of service.
With an uninstigated helping hand for all, especially newcomers to their teaching role,
Always thoughtful, ahead of the game, assistance before your desire beckons.
A fellow traveler upon the road of experience, whose journey was in tandem,
From whence is not yet clear, to where intriguing and mysterious.
Is our internet liason, an echo of the past or a portent of the future,
Featureless contact, tangible but not, one moment clear and bright,
Another vague and distant, a memory or remembrance, or is it a dream.
To spasmodically click dim memories, unsure of source and significance,
An oncoming revelation or fantasy, an illusion of Maya,
Instigated by my desires, or an imperceptible beacon of Truth,
Always there, unseen, sometimes perceived, now more readily glimpsed.
A coming together of perennial energies and forces, dormant potentiality,
To be awakened and revealed, for all to benefit and receive.
Miriam, a name of magic and mystery, symbolic and real,
Mother Mary, personal and universal, a gift for us all.

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