Wednesday 17 January 2007


Au Revoir
In art deco modern life so free, is love possible without bars,
When unconventional behaviour, dictates the fashion moulding our mind.
In fluid New Age relationships, that have no commitments, leaving only scars,
The new globalised communications, are opening the floodgates of repressed emotions and their kind.
Rekindling undulating echoes of frenetic hedonism, unbridled passions that do cloud
The fragrant distant faint aroma, in the late blosooming spring of my life.
That unlocking clanging key in the dungeon, of the fears that did shroud
The solitary red rose, in the bare garden of my strife.
Beginning now slowly, passions dark clouds do clear, revealing God’s vision as the rays begin to shine
On my stone heart now warming, new sensations, strange but cleansing, it spins
My whole being, what joy, what freedom, a new dawn my heart sings, radiant so fine.
In our secret garden, skipping light in joyous laughter, through Aphrodite’s Bay as if twins
But, as passing ships in the night, a brief flickering light and she’s gone;
I awake in reflection and wonder, feel lonely but light and warm, where love once shone.
Au revoir ma cherie !

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