Friday 26 January 2007


Power Fuels

Twenty first century Iraqy conflagrations, is it the final cleansing of the twentieth century total conflict
At the dissolution of the old European colonial order that precipitated new mechanized total war
The initial hidden agenda was the control of the infinite source of energy & power
That would guarantee world hegemony for the foreseeable future
From this first initial world conflict, the control of Iraq’s new found unlimited oil resource was set
And the ‘Balfour Agreement’s Agreement’ suggesting & possibly assuring the forming of a Jerusalem center Zionist state
Was an unholy alliance, guaranteeing Britain’s European dominance by this assurance
In return for America’s logistical & personal support, assuring her eventual world dominance
So now in this fresh post World War, twenty first century New Age Aquarian group energy era
With all past colonial divisions slowly coming to the fore & healing
France & Germany, Yugoslavia & the Balkans, Ireland & now Cyprus
We have America’s imminent attack of Iraq, to endeavour to secure this enormous oil supply
And as I sit in a Bahrain hotel room in transit, awaiting my flight back to Cyprus from wintering in India
A matter of days before a possible, nay even probable American led invasion
Which even if it is for the right reasons & disarmament of real global threatening weapons
It is being led by the wrong face of democracy, a blatantly rigged electoral President
Defacing the pinnacle & cream of man’s struggle for freedom & equality
The American Constitution, an Administration so greedy, crooked & stupid
That I fear that they are entering an arena in classically ill-prepared arrogance
For even great Imperial powers disastrously slide or fall into inevitably oblivion due to ill prepared folly
While others resiliently bounce back ever stronger, but also ever wiser
This is the hallmark of a great Imperial power; he eyes & demeanor of George Bush’s troubles me
I fear that in fact they will in the long run only manage to unite not only the divided Muslim masses & militants
But also all of the deprived & disaffected peoples of the world against them
A scenario & nightmare that even the great & all powerful Roman Imperial Emperors feared & avoided
Taking great lengths to avoid this possibility, fearing, watching & placating the ever present Roman mob
Control is now probably a science & an art, witnessed, processed & perpetrated over thousands of years
Written about & studied, systems conceived, adopted, manipulated, changed & then dropped
But our new cowboy king, perhaps the new emperor without any clothes, chooses to ignore all of this history & knowledge
Partially due to a combination of ignorance & bad advice, but also an element of greed & corruption must be involved
Our only hope I believe, is the fresh breeze of European Union political influence
That has induced so much positivism in uniting modern post-war Europe
France & Germany & thus Great Britain, peace to Ireland & now Cyprus
That Germany & especially France have with Russia & China vetoed & blocked easy war passage
Is a very promising & heart warming, fulfilling the role that the United Nation was conceived & formed for
I only hope that Tony Blair is at least as clever as he looks& probably thinks he is
And uses his political position as a divided Labour Party leader, in bed with a war painted Republican American President
For while having used his position as a close, if not the closest, political & military ally
To impart the wisdom of colonial British governance, hatched on European classical history
He could then pull out just prior to kick off in the face of political suicide
To go down in history as the man who with one decision avoided World conflict
And be a real hero, in the face of tremendous power, betraying the mightiest power on Earth.

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