Monday 22 January 2007


Rekindled Flames

Old flames often seem to bear, the glowing embers of yesteryear,
Ancient overgrown paths re-crossing, rekindling an old fading glow.
An enlightenment, where negative memories of old, are momentarily forgotten,
In the shining flow of golden pure love, emanating from our fresh but passionate union glow.
Before ego’s and misunderstandings, began to cloud and poison the love between us,
Darkening our life, into combative individualism and selfish egocentricity,
And so, should one re-enter and enjoy the passion fruits, we can share
Before the inevitable clouds of doom, return and soil our love.
Or should one walk away politely and avoid any deepening contact, that might wound and scar.
For in the context of a long term worthwhile relationship,
Experience shows that beyond a certain point, re-establishing contact is futile.
So should we go with the flow, concentrating on enjoying the positive aspects of life,
Without reflection, speculation or ambition concerning the future.

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