Saturday 3 March 2007


To Be A Woman

As I glimpse a passing beautiful woman, nervously biting her nails,
I wonder why, so nervous, thinking how, in response to what.
The concept and pressure of free expression, the inherent maternal instinct,
With it’s cyclic hormonal demands and the critical feline peer pressure eye.
The wish to be noticed and desired, the expected conformist behaviour,
Even of non-conformist trends, uniform in their exhibition and rebellion.
Does he like me, do I look presentable, am I beautiful, alluring or even sexy,
At least desirable, but why does this one ignore me, he’s different,
But how, gay, occupied or in love, I wonder, I can smile and ask.
I want to be loved and desired, but not manipulated and controlled.
But what is it to be a woman, to be passive is not to be weak,
But all powerful as the retreating sea, which envelopes all in it’s evacuating center,
For competition evokes the male’s animal instinct and hence pressure, to lower the level of consciousness and awareness,
While a beautifully smiling, sweet all pleasing woman, totally disarms a male companion,
With love and affection, engendering selfless love and compassion.
Yin into Yang.

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