Sunday 11 March 2007


Bhakti Begging

Is it really true, that bhakti begging is the essence of India,
It certainly seems so most of the time, walking the city streets,
Sitting outside a restaurant, on the beach for a swim or seeking peace,
With the constant perennial tugging of the arm for food, but really money.
They say that even members of the government, show the same humble begging posture,
Deference to the World Bank, UN, NCO’s and the like.
Where eighty per cent of all monies received, evaporates without trace,
To the detriment of the common people, in their plight and struggle for basic survival.
Bhakti is what India has in essence, offered to the world for it’s salvation,
But it seems it’s tarnished expression, is the latter day medium for it’s own survival,
Yet paradoxically, the obstacle for it’s evolution and advancement in the modern world.

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