Saturday 5 May 2007


Bored With The Game:

Afraid is what it is, where once your game was efficacious, in it’s resultant effect,
This repetition is now rather tediously restrictive, in the career aspect of my life.
Where once my vocation was my work, my unfruitful workshop presentation,
Forced my seeking other employment, to finance my humble lifestyle.
A retrograde step I feel, with my waking time spent, with macho assertiveness,
With my body weakening and sagging, to eventual imbalance and pain.
All in consequence of prioritized service, to finance lame response seminars,
Blocked from further learning and scolded, for misunderstood acts of assistance,
The object of psychological plays, that smell stale and obsolete.
What are my options, for how long must I endure in blind faith,
These actions and verbal onslaughts, that ride against my nature and experience.
No longer it seems, the dye is finally cast and I am free,
To move on and further explore, to learn whilst serving the best I can.
No more strange strictures to endure, for my faith was not matched, by my respect
That was not duly earnt, so I pass as my imput lies, on stony ground.

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