Saturday 5 May 2007


False Start:

When one gets in a car and your date, breathing stale garlic aroma
Into your face, as she babbles about how, immediately after the movie,
She has to bla bla bla, in nervous excitation and apparent discomfort.
I reflect on exactly why she has bothered, to come in such disease,
To then insist on giving the ticket teller, money for her ticket when already bought,
Even disconcerting and annoying him, in ignorant and offensive rejection.
With my every word contradicted, forcing me into reflective and non combative silence,
That was misconstrued I suspect, into moodiness or some negative attribute.
For the pawn and target of ill informed, inappropriate and unhelpful advice,
That I could only really greet with silence, to this misplaced matriarchal guidance.
Amazing that such a first total symbiotic meeting, could enter a second
Such as this, total antithesis of the former, a mystery and a sign,
Of what will and should not be, a relationship that will never be.
A further exercise in my emotional cleansing, that actually showed no reaction,
To this rejection, hence this blesson is passed, hopefully preparing me,
For the real thing !

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