Saturday 5 May 2007


Skipped Reappear:

Pier pressure conceived impression, in desire for feline visual perfection,
Any blemish, a vulnerable spot for ridicule and derision, in the macho arena.
Therein I ignored, nay not even noticed, this unasked for procession of beauty,
That was so ever eager to thrust itself, upon me in adoration and glee.
But now that I begin to see and appreciate the beauty in all women, I begin to realize
What I missed, is it now when I’m entering the autumn of this journey,
Evidenced in greying thatch, that is now halting this ignored procession,
And deflating my ego and confidence, in disturbing ease and depression.
Leaving me in melancholy reflection, about youthful arrogance and lost opportunities,
Lowering my expectations, to look deeper and longer, to appreciate all beauty,
While wondering what beauties had I passed, that I would now drool and pant for.
That I now find that the intro courtship patter, now so obviously required,
Is a subject of which I have no knowledge, a legacy of alpha male fame and exploits.
So now I must struggle and think, listen and watch, to learn basic sociological lessons
Previously skipped, thus evoking deep shadows of emotive experience.
All so uncomfortable and strange, but now ready to be absolved,
Enabling forward free movement, to fulfilled experience in joy and happiness.

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